17-09-18Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to prior versions of yourself.자신을 남들과 비교하지 마라. 과거의 자신과 비교해라.Brad Stulberg @BStulberg
Coach/write on health and human performance. Columnist @NYMag, @Outsidemagazine. Formerly @McKinsey.
Coauthor of book PEAK PERFORMANCE
17-09-18Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant.두려움이 생기지 않을 만큼 비전을 명확하게 만들어라.Jamie Greubel Poser @JamieGreubel
#TeamUSA Bobsled 2014 Olympic Bronze Medalist Cornell Track & Field http://Instagram.com/JamieGreubel
17-09-21The greatest respect is self-respect. Lose that and all the success in the world means zero.가장 위대한 존경은 자신에 대한 존중이다. 만약 이러한 존경심을 잃는다면 성공의 의미는 없어지게 된다.Robin Sharma @RobinSharma
#1 Bestselling Author of the Leader Who Had No Title + Founder of The Titan Academy + Humanitarian
17-09-21Don’t do innovation or entrepreneurship if you can’t handle failure + ambiguity. It’s part of the job to fail, learn, get up, and get on!만약 실패와 모호성을 극복하지 못한다면 혁신이나 기업가정신에 도전조차 하지 말라.실패하고, 배우고, 극복하고, 나아가는 경험 모두 일의 일부이다.Alex Osterwalder @AlexOsterwalder
Founder http://Strategyzer.com . Author. Business Model & Value Proposition Canvas.
Won't rest until executives and entrepreneurs operate like surgeons!
17-09-21One of the biggest mistakes people make is spending too much time strategizing instead of testing ideas in the real world. #InnovationCode사람들이 저지르는 가장 큰 실수는 실제로 아이디어를 구현하지 않고 전략을 짜는 데 너무 많은 시간을 보내는 것이다.Jeff DeGraff @JeffDeGraff
Jeff is an innovation professor at the Ross School of Business,
the founder of Innovatrium Institute of Innovation, & co-creator of Competing Values Framework.
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