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Excuses are simply lies you tell yourself.
변명은 스스로에게 하는 거짓말입니다.

Kim Kiyosaki @kimkiyosaki
Entrepreneur | Investor | Author


Never ignore a hunch, an intuition, a gut feeling. It’s creativity trying to tell you something.
예감이나 직관, 육감을 절대 무시하지 마십시오. 그것은 당신에 무언가를 알려주고자 하는 창의성이기 때문입니다.

Khai @ThamKhaiMeng
lnvestor | Board Member Former Worldwide Chief Creative Officer


Although the costs of not delegating may be invisible, the price that you pay is real.
일을 위임하지 않음으로써 치르는 비용은 눈에 보이지 않으나, 그 결과에 대해 지불하게 될 값은 현실입니다.

Frank Sonnenberg @FSonnenberg
Top 100 Thought Leaders in America | Author | One of America's Most Influential Small Business Experts

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